Week notes #48
Hi all…a busy week ahead as we will be releasing new Skylark files this coming Thursday. (Are you coming to the online event? You can get a free ticket via this link, or watch the recording later on our Youtube channel)
As well as preparing the new files in Rhino, we are making some subtle changes to our online library, and automating how files are published from our databases using Zapier. It’s been a bit fiddly to set up but we are nearly there.
This week we said goodbye to Jason, finished sifting through the nearly 100(!) applications we received for the Projects Lead role, interviewed candidates and we hope to be able to officially appoint someone for the role very soon (watch this space).
On other news we are also planning some work with Imperial College London around testing Skylark OSB beams - we’ll be telling you more about this in the coming weeks.
Meanwhile over at the community, we are not jealous at all of Lachan’s new CNC machine (and do read this thread if you are looking to buy one), plus we have also enjoyed watching Jiri’s progress with his mobile home design. There is also this discussion about heating systems you might want to contribute to, and of course if you haven’t already please say hello and tell us a bit more about yourself.
Finally, we loved seeing our friends over at BE-ST in Scotland spend some time building WikiHouse blocks! We are looking forward to doing more work with them in 2023, especially some training sessions for young people. Again, watch this space.