Week notes #55
About ridge beams
Check out this post and the 2 videos Gabriele prepared to explain our thinking on ridge beams, plus the connection between the ridge beam and the walls, and the ridge beam and the roof blocks. It’s all work-in-progress, feedback very welcome!
(Plus, assembly videos coming soon!)
Getting to zero carbon
On Thursday Clayton gave us a whirlwind tour of the challenges and opportunities involved in getting to zero carbon construction in the UK. Watch the talk below:
OSB testing coming in early May
We are just waiting for lab availability at the beginning of May…and are very excited to see how WikiHouse OSB beams will perform! This week our work with OSB was featured in the Building Design and Construction Magazine: https://bdcmagazine.com/2023/04/sterlingosb-zeros-shear-strength-leads-to-selection-for-wikihouse-switch/
Date for your diary: Digital Woodoo WikiHouse workshops
WikiHouse Manufacturer Digital Woodoo are running monthly online WikiHouse workshops for you to ask them any questions about the system. All details and dates: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/learn-about-wikihouse-workshop-registration-600888071397
Date for your diary: Opportunities to solve the housing crisis
Join this online event with Ivar Diekerhof from WikiHouse NL. Details about the event, speakers and link to watch/take part: https://stroud.greenparty.org.uk/news/2023/04/25/solving-the-housing-crisis-join-our-online-debate-find-out-how/