Week notes #78
Latest WikiHouse in Manchester, UK
Follow WikiHouse designers Architecture Unknown on Instagram to learn about their latest community build happening this month in Little Hulton, Manchester. And if you are nearby, you can also visit on the 27 June! All details: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/gmclh-june-forum-wikihouse-visit-tickets-923794272537
Meanwhile in the Netherlands
Students from Avans University of Applied Sciences have started the construction of a WikiHouse pavilion using Skylark this month. Dome-X is documenting their progress - you can follow them on Instagram or also check our more information about the project via the Hendriks website (in Dutch).
The WikiHouse Garden Studio is £500 off
In case you missed it, we have recently launched the WikiHouse Garden Studio, designed using standard WikiHouse Skylark blocks. We are offering £500 off if you are in the UK and order via our website.
More news from the Netherlands
Also in the Netherlands, Hans is currently preparing for his own build in August. If you want to know more about the WikiHouse Swift system being used by him, you can check out his latest community update and follow him on Instagram.
Community event
Last but not least, we are recording a very cool update from the WikiHouse community featuring 3 projects in 3 different countries. To be released early July. Watch this space!